I’m a french developper and i have a question :
Can we push a protected channel to Kodi ?
Channel protected need a pin code, it’s for adult content.
PVRIptvChannel &channel = m_channels.at(iChannelPtr);
PVR_CHANNEL xbmcChannel;
memset(&xbmcChannel, 0, sizeof(PVR_CHANNEL));
xbmcChannel.iUniqueId = channel.num_ch;
xbmcChannel.bIsRadio = false;
xbmcChannel.iChannelNumber = channel.num;
strncpy(xbmcChannel.strChannelName, channel.name.c_str(), sizeof(xbmcChannel.strChannelName) - 1);
strncpy(xbmcChannel.strIconPath, channel.logo.c_str(), sizeof(xbmcChannel.strIconPath) - 1);
xbmcChannel.bIsHidden = false;
PVR->TransferChannelEntry(handle, &xbmcChannel);
I would like :
xbmcChannel.bIsLocked = true/false;
Currently we have to manually change this option in the channel parameters, but the French laws require to block by default the adult content.
Thanks, and sorry for bad english,