Trying to access SMB shares on Windows 10

I have a shared folder on my Win10 host which I was able to access from kodi
From some reason, it became inaccessible. When I say “accessible” I mean the flowing:
I see the folder on LE/Kodi but either I get “invalid value” or I just see it empty (while it isn’t) when I try to access it from Kodi

I suspect it is related to permission/sharing attributes on windows side but I can’t find the configuration that will re-enable the share
Tried many methods suggested on the web (sharing with guest / anonymous logon user) registry keys. It just doesn’t work

Tried to access with IP. It resolves the share name correctly but can’t add it because of the “invalid argument” things.

LE 8.0.1(on PI3) / Win 10

This is the error on kodi log
08:13:18.479 T:1962280048 ERROR: SMBDirectory->GetDirectory: Unable to open directory : ‘smb://smb/’

Please advice