How do I organise movies (VOBS) in Library and get them to play???

Am going round in circles a bit here so any help is very much appreciated.

I’ve read that Kodi can play vobs and the way I do it is to copy the video_ts.ifo file and the main movie vobs to my ‘movies’ library folder. So I’ll basically have a folder say Cloverfield (2008) in my movies folder and in there I put the video_ts.ifo file and vob files for the main movie ‘Cloverfield’

I have the Movies folder scanning options set to “scan recursively.”

I can see the film listed in the library. The scraper has picked up the artwork & the score rating is there. However, when I press play it just doesn’t do anything. If I do ‘play from here’ on the movie title, after a short pause it plays the next film down in the list (which is a .avi)

The reason I’m trying to add .vobs is I want the best quality from the DVD.

I’m using Jarvis 16.0 if it helps. What am I doing wrong hereConfused