Network lag only when running KODI app

Hi there.

So I purchased myself an android box off amazon, from a company that seemed to have decent reviews. I will provide the link shortly. With a few exceptions, this device seems to work perfectly fine and causes no problems to other devices on the network. However, the moment I launch KODI Krypton, I begin to get occasional horrible latency issues on other devices on the network (specifically my PC). I’m an avid gamer and play many games online while my girlfriend watches shows with KODI, so this is unacceptable.

I have tried a factory reset of the android box and I have also tried a completely fresh KODI install after the factory reset and I still get this issue, without installing any addons for KODI or anything.

Does anyone have any advice or possible options for me? I’m at my wits end here.

Here is the box I purchased.…053&sr=1-8