How to force KODI to stay in 50hz when starting even in the menu. Immediately when starting KODI it changes the refresh-rate back to 60hz.
This has been a problem for a like a decade. You’ll find many other old threads, with similar stuff. Isn’t it time we have added an option to patch this?!? Like ‘No Refresh Rate Adjustment on Start’ I can’t believe this has not been just a simple option in the Advanced/Expert options. I’m tired of the Refresh-Rate Changing even though I have not asked KODI to do so. You can try options like ‘Adjust refresh option to video’. But then for instance the video I’m playing not it will adjust to 59hz. And no AdvancedSettings.xml seems to do anything.
I shouldn’t need to explain why I’m trying to force to 50, but I will try: I have a long cable setup, and the picture is better at 50hz, than 60. Don’t argue with me about that, that’s not the thing here. Every other product that I can think of, does not decide to change the refresh rate on you when playing in a full-screen window.