Weird Capitalization Issue (SMB source)

Linux is 14.04, it was the kodibuntu from a few years ago. Kodi is 16.1

This is kind of odd, for me. But a few weeks ago I somehow lost my sources for my media. (As in the sources, just plain disappeared).
These were, smb sources to an unraid machine (NAS) back end.

So in short, I recreated them. But I “cased” them differently: smb://TOWER/unraid/Videos vs smb//TOWER/UNRAID/Videos.

I create playlists, especially for anime. Instead of using the movies/tv menu items, I normally load a playlist. The playlist, of course has a path to each episode of some show. So the problem is it can follow the original pathing, nut that if I scan in anything.. it comes in with the new pathing, thus I have it, show up twice (in the library/playlist). And each is valid.. as each path resolves (since samba does that). A clean library doesn’t fix it, because the path is completely resolvable. Dropping the source, and running a clean would of course drop both objects, but it would be nice to keep the one that works.

Is there any method I can easily resolve this? I am thinking just restoring back to an earlier point in time and deleting the sources, and remaking them with careful attention to the capitalization of the pathing… However, I kind of wanted it to match the real samba path, instead of matching an alternative capitalization of it.

So I wanted to ask in case this was one of those easy questions. I did some searching, but I couldn’t seem to find something that really matched this issue.
