stuttering movies

Hardware: ASROCK ION3D 152B Mini Barebone Atom D525 NVIDIA GT218-ION (4GB RAM with 128 SSD HDD)

Screen resolution: 1920×[email protected]
OpenGL vendor: NVIDIA Corporation
OpenGL version 3.3.0 NVIDIA 304.134

Kodi 17.1 Git:20170320-nogitfound

It is as the movie plays fast for 2 seconds, then normal for 1 second, that back to fast for 2 seconds and so on.

Only happens on some movies, not all movies. All TV seems fine.

I was using Gotham for a while with no issues. Then when I moved to Javis it 1st appeared. I upgraded to Krypton hoping it would resolve the issue. However, it has not.

If I had to say what movies it seems to happen on. It would be any movie that is 1080p and 16:9 ratio. However, 720 16:9 seem fine.

All other movies that are 1080p with 21:9 seem to play fine