New Kodi snap package for testing >= Ubuntu 16.04


More and more snap packages are available for Ubuntu-based systems. So we (in particular wsnipex Wink ) are happy to provide a Kodi snap package as well. Note, that this is in a pretty early state and things might not work as expected. But feel free to report if you find something.

The Kodi snap package we are providing here contains Kodi 18 Alpha 1

Requirements on the OS:

– AFAIK you will at least need Ubuntu 16.04, as this contains the necessary packages: snapd and snap-confine. To check if those are available, do:

apt-cache policy snapd


apt-cache policy snap-confine

Install those packages please, if they are not installed for whatever reason by entering:

sudo apt-get install snapd snap-confine

Please note, that if you are using a different OS, that it might be hard to help. For this package (for now) Ubuntu at least in the version 16.04 is the recommended OS.

Installing Kodi via snap:

The Kodi snap package is available from the “edge”-channel. To get a list of available channels open a terminal and enter:

snap install --help

To install a package from a given channel, the syntax looks like this: sudo snap install –<channel_name> <package_name>

For installing Kodi from the edge channel just enter:

sudo snap install --edge kodi

Depending on your internet connection that might last a bit and if all went well, just start the Kodi snap package from the command line like this:

snap run kodi

To exit Kodi, just use the normal “Exit” option from the Kodi GUI or just use CTRL+c from the keyboard on the terminal window.

Kodis home directory is now located under: ~/snap/kodi
The userdata folder (and all the other common sufolders) will be under: ~/snap/kodi/current/.kodi


You can’t browse anything outside ~/snap/kodi. So if you are using system mounts, the mountpoint has to be inside Kodis snap home directory. The normal NFS mounts inside Kodi (add-source->browse->network file system – for example) works. But if there’s something mounted in /media, you won’t be able to access it. So please mount your system mounts to Kodis home directory as well if you are using smb or nfs shares.


To remove the Kodi snap installation from your system, just enter:

snap remove kodi

Have fun testing Wink