Remapping keys: keymap.xml vs. gen.xml

I’m running Kodi v16 / OpenElec on a Raspberry Pi 3 using a VRC-1100 remote, and I’m trying to disable the power button on my remote by remapping it to a NOOP as per Michiel van Baak’s instructions. Michiel advises to include the following code in /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/remote.xml:


Which, according to his March 2016 post, should work.

However, on my Pi the keymap seems to live in /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/gen.xml and there is no remote.xml in that directory. That might be because I have installed (and used) the Keymap Editor add-on.

The contents of this file are un-indented, and the NOOP is converted into lower case. Currently the contents of my /storage/.kodi/userdata/keymaps/gen.xml are:

<keymap><global><keyboard><key id="power">noop</key><key id="247">osd</key></keyboard></global><videos><keyboard><key id="221">chapterorbigstepback</key><key id="37">contextmenu</key><key id="49">fullscreen</key></keyboard></videos></keymap>

Which, reformatted for proper indentation and multiple lines for readability, would be:

      <key id="power">noop</key>
      <key id="247">osd</key>
      <key id="221">chapterorbigstepback</key>
      <key id="37">contextmenu</key>
      <key id="49">fullscreen</key>

While the other key remappings work, the power button remain unaffected. Also, the keys that I did remap using the keymap editor add-on (the gray keys below the red and green ones on the remote) do work (bring up the OSD and toggle full screen video, respectively, during video playback) but they also still bring up the PVR manager.

So. Questions:

  1. Why is keyboard.xml now gen.xml on my RPi and can this be what causes Michiel’s power button remapping not to work?
  2. While manually editing the keymap to change noop back to NOOP had no effect, might case be an issue here? I’m assuming that the syntax change from <power> to <key id=”power”> won’t be (at least it shouldn’t).
  3. Why does the PVR manager still come up on the remapped keys and how do I get around that? I have disabled TV in the settings so the PVR function itself should not be doing anything at all; the PVR manager justly complains that no PVR clients have been started yet.

Note: symlinking gen.xml to remote.xml had no effect, and the keymap editor addon renames the link to a backup (keymap.xml.bak.0) as soon as it saves its changes.

All suggestions would be greatly appreciated!!

// FvW