Something about translations (wordings, length, typos)

I just noticed after I switched the language to german that the “interface setting” translation for german (which is “Benutzeroberflächen-Einstellungen”) doesn’t fit the box anymore.


Probably this needs to be changed, because it doesn’t look nice.

Maybe “Oberflächen-Einstellungen” might be enough.

And there is a typo for the “Wiedergabe-Einstellungen”…there is an “e” missing…and btw. the translation itself isn’t correct. For “Wiedergabe-Einstellung” the english wording has to be “playback settings”. But it’s “player settings”. So I would say, this doesn’t need to be translated at all as “player” is a word which is pretty common in german language.

“player” meaning in german:

Quote:Gerät zur Bild- oder Tonwiedergabe o. Ä.

^^ device for video- or audio playback