Refresh Movie / TV Data in Krypton?

Hello everyone –

So, I hope I’m not just an idiot, but I’m extremely frustrated by the fact that I can’t easily locate a way to refresh film / tv data in Krypton. In the old days (Jarvis), this was no problem. Navigate to the misidentified film / tv show->Left click on title–>click refresh. Piece of cake! In Kodi, there doesn’t seem to be a “refresh” option (at least, not one that I can find in any intuitive placement), and so I’ve had to downgrade back to Jarvis to fix basic mismatched films.

All of that said:

a) If I’ve missed the “refresh” option, or it’s called something else in Krypton, can someone please help me find it (and guys, the fact that I have to ask for this kind of help doesn’t say much about intuitive design);

b) If this “refresh” option has been removed, can someone please put it back?

Many thanks! Keith