Is not registered error

I couldn’t get the plugin to work so I copied the TVServerKodi.exe to the folder. C:\Program Files (x86)\Team MediaPortal\MP2-Server\Plugins\SlimTv.Service3

When I ran the exe I got the following error:

TvServer Debug EXE:

Unhandled Exception: System.ArgumentException: Service Mediaportal.TV.Server.TVLibrary.IntegrationProvider.Interfaces.IIntegrationProvi​der is not registered
at TvLibrary.Interfaces.ServiceProvider.Get[T]()
at TvLibrary.Log.Log.Debug(String message, Object[] args)
at TvControl.RemoteControl.CheckTcpPort()
at TvControl.RemoteControl.get_IsConnected()
at TVServerKodi.Commands.Program.Main(String[] args)

I’m running MediaPortal 2.1

Does anyone know how to get this registered or what I’m missing?