disable Comm Skip / EDL files

Comm skip isn’t always perfect or at least not for me. Actually let me rephrase that… it always works for me lol its all the weird trash tv shows my g/f watches that don’t work perfectly with all their weird commercial breaks haha. In wmc I have a key press that disables it so when watching a show it can easily be disabled when not working. In Kodi I notice it says that you can FF / RR and it cancels out the EDL files but its just not the case at least not when using serverwmc as your PVR backend. In fact sometimes when I try to rewind back it gets all messed up and jumps forward. I have noticed mythtv has a setting to prompt at the beginning of a recorded show to ask if you want to use the EDL file. This would be awesome! but to be honest I would even take just disabling them all together and just using FF/RR when on the kodi clients.

So either a feature to not use EDL files per view or at the very least disable them all together on the client would be awesome. Maybe this feature exists already and I just haven’t been able to find it. I will say I looked pretty hard though. Any help would be appreciated. Thank you!