Steam Direct (replaces Valve’s Steam Greenlight program) – Kodi on Steam?

Steam Direct is now available as a new easily method of getting games and apps onto Steam:…9870947116

Anyone thinking about getting Kodi onto Stream via the new Steam Direct program?

Steam Direct is now available as the streamlined, transparent, and accessible method for game developers to bring their games and applications onto Steam, and this process replaces the now retired Steam Greenlight program that Valve had before.

I know that there have previously been some efforts to try to get Kodi onto Steam (and Steam OS) via Valve’s Steam Greenlight program.…1514182595

The goal with Steam Direct is to provide an understandable and predictable path for developers from anywhere in the world to bring their games to Steam. With that in mind, we’re making the process as easy and streamlined as possible. A new developer will simply need to fill out some digital paperwork, including entering bank and tax information and going through a quick identity verification process. After completing the paperwork, the developer will be asked to pay a $100 recoupable fee for each game they wish to release on Steam.

As we have been doing for the past year, there is a short process prior to release where our review team installs each game to check that it is configured correctly, matches the description provided on the store page, and doesn’t contain malicious content.

Additionally, brand-new developers that we haven’t worked with before will need to wait 30 days from the time they pay the app fee until they can release their first game on Steam. This gives us time to review the developer’s information and confirm that we know who we’re doing business with. Developers will also need to put up a ‘coming soon’ page for a couple of weeks prior to release, which helps get more eyes on upcoming releases and gives players a chance to point out discrepancies that our team may not be able to catch.“