Renamer and List


A few days ago I miss (v2.8.3.1) an additional parameter in option in the Filter and in the “List of Movies”:

Renamer: Add another option to specify the Horizontal resolution and the vertical resolution. Now we have the $R (but is “width x height”), but not option to set only one of them. For example, I’m adding the “height” in the name of the film and in the subfolder, so now I do it manually, because in may case not all the films have the same “width”, but all mime have the same “height”. In the filter this option should be antoher option to check to filter it quickly.

List: If in the list appears this option as elegible (as one of the visible columns), I could have the same film in different resolution (“height”) without the problem know which one is which one and easy identified. Now a days I use diferent instances of TMM, each one with diferent movie locations (and every location is the “height” subfolder)

Thanks in advance…