My thoughts/usability

Hello all. Been using Kodi for a few years now and I have to say, it’s one of the best pieces of software ever written. Whatever it doesn’t do directly, someone’s probably made an add on or skin that will do it.

I only have a couple of minor gripes with the way I use it. I am a basic user. I stream nothing. Videos are pre scanned with mediaelch and everything resides locally.

This creates actor thumbs in each folder (same as export to separate files would). That means if I have 10 Jim Carrey movies, there is 10 identical pics of him taking up space on the drive. It may seem like a small amount of space but multiply that by 100’s of my favorite actors and it adds up. This is the least bothersome of my gripes but maybe a single folder for this would save on redundant information.

That leads me to my second gripe. After I thoroughly enjoy a Jim Carrey movie, I like the fact I can select him from the cast and see a list of his movies that I own. The problem is that the search results do not show a watched check mark. When viewing an actors movies (sometimes over a period of days or weeks), it’d be nice to have an easy view of what you’ve watched.

Going to a movie an actor you are searching for and selecting cast is easier than trying to find them in the actor section after you have a large movie collection. The list is just too big, filled with people you never heard of with no pic available. Maybe some sort of “favorite actors” option would helpConfused

Another fairly new feature is the “are you still watching” prompts. Personally I hate it and have actually gone back to a previous version to avoid it. Can this be turned off somewhere? I miss the “play from here” that use to show up on the context menu. I realize some people watch from their beds and may fall asleep and wake up with all their shows marked as watched but this is not an issue for me.

My last issue is the ratings. I just don’t agree with tmdb or IMDb! Lol. I understand tracktv will let you assign personal ratings so I will check that out but I think to be effective it should ask you for your rating after you first watch it. Like a quick pop up message before it marks something as watched.

Just as a side note, I do not use Kodi for music because I couldn’t find a simple way to just grab and play my smart playlists from iTunes. My collection is far too big to be navigating in Kodi but if I had quick access to my smart lists it would be quick enough to be usable.

There you have it. Thanks for taking the time to read. Would love to hear how other users feel and how they use Kodi. Feel free to chime in and sorry if I missed an add-on that does what I want already.

Sent from my B3-A20 (typie typie)