Looking for Help with m3u8

I have worked on a few different video addons that play m3u8, and generally have made them work in what I may consider to be a hacky type way.
1st question:
Is there a way to have my addon play the best quality feed when given a master m3u8 URL?
I have http://domain/x/y/z/master.m3u8
hitting that URL gives you the information that you have 150K, 300K, …, 5000K feeds.
What I have been doing in my addons is reading the information from the master, and then feeding the 5000K, or user selected quality feed to the playVideo.

item = xbmcgui.ListItem(path=xyz.get_video_url(media_id, addon.getSetting('bitrate')))
        xbmcplugin.setResolvedUrl(int(sys.argv[1]), True, item)

2nd question:
Is there anyway to make the video playing not verify the SSL certificate?

I have this working with livestreamer from my unix command line, and basically I am trying to get the same thing working in Kodi on OSMC or OpenELEC.

livestreamer --http-cookie="cookieName=CookieValue" --http-header="User-Agent=IAmTheUA" "hlsvariant://http://domain-name.com/master_wired60.m3u8 name_key=bitrate"  best --http-no-ssl-verify

I needed to install PyCrypto for this to actually work, but that may just be a requirement of livestreamer.

Does anyone have experience with this, or could anyone help me here? Much thanks!