Best practice to handle new films


I have problems with “double film entries” in my kodi environment:
I have mounted 2 Film shares on my Kodi-PC:

U:\video (where my already seen films are stored)
U:\temp (where new & unseen films are stored until I see them and decide if keep or delete it)

All new video files get scarped first with tinymm. Films that I like get moved from U:\temp to U:\video, the other ones got deleted. I move them with Windows Explorer from one share to the other. But now Kodi shows me two entries: the original in U:\temp which doesn’t exist anymore and the new one in U:\video

That is my way how to determine which films are new and which ones are in my film storage. But what is the best practice for this? I mean: if I mount a new share, ALL films are unseen, even the ones on U:\video that I have seen many times….