Problem updating Kodi to v21 official release from 24.03.2024 nigthly


I’ve already asked this question in “[split] Kodi v21 “Omega” Stable Release – Issues Discussions” topic, but they’ve suggested that I should ask in this subforum. I’m using Kodi on Amazon Fire cube 3rd gen. I was using nightlies since the last December (because Nexus wasn’t supporting some Fire cube specific stuff), and I was updating Kodi with new nightlies without any problems. The nighlty I’m currently using is dated 24.03.2024. When I try to install v21 official release, all I get is a message “App not installed”. I guess the problem lies in versions – currently installed nightly (even though it’s 15 days older than the official Omega release) has version 22.0-ALPHA1, while the official Omega release has version v21. 

Shouldn’t nightlies released before the official release still have v21, and not v22 as version? 

Anyway, I would appreciate any help on how to install official Omega release without having to uninstall nightly I’m currently using first (and losing all settings, customizations and library in the process).

Best regards,