Assistance setting up Widevine on Libreelec

Hello all! Sorry if I’m posting this in the wrong subforum or if I haven’t followed proper guidelines. I’m still familiarizing myself with the forums, Kodi, and Libreelec.
With that out of the way, I’m running into playback issues on two add-ons that I believe is related to Widevine/Inputstream. I can’t play videos using Sandmann79’s Amazon VOD add-on or the Castagnait Netflix add-on. I’m not receiving any error codes that would be logged, which is very unhelpful, but I believe it to be an issue with Widevine only because I was running both add-ons with little issue on Kodi that I had set up on an Android TV environment prior to this. I tried removing and reinstalling the most recent Widevine library and it didn’t seem to help. I really don’t know how to diagnose without error codes from here. If anyone has tips on how I should be setting up Inputstream or if there’s known issues using these add-ons on Libreelec, any help would be greatly appreciated. I can provide logs and/or hardware information as well. Thank you in advance!