VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting • Installing Java caused "Your Blu-Ray Player requires an update" red screen

The issue I’m having came up in this thread, but that’s the only place I could find it and it does not seem to have been properly resolved there (and the VideoHelp thread linked seems mainly concerned with rips and with physical players).

I installed 3.0.20, the latest (at the time of writing) stable version of VLC for 64-bit Windows on my Windows 10 computer today, and decided giving watching Blu-Rays another go (my last forays ran into trouble, but it has been some time). I got the region setting changed to Region A to match my discs and have actually been seeing a fair bit of success playing back Blu-Rays, without needing to manually add libraries and stuff. One particular set, however, has still been giving me guff: My 2013 Blu-Ray set of the Star Wars prequels. The menus on these discs – as well as seemingly the subtitles for when characters are speaking in alien languages – are Java-dependent. Not unique to this set, of course, but they’re the only ones I’ve tried thus far where it’s come up. The others are the Discotek Castle of Cagliostro Collector’s Edition Blu-Ray (the first tested), the 2017 Power Rangers movie, My Little Pony: The Movie (2017), and Solo: A Star Wars Story.

Anyway, without Java installed the discs would play… just with no menus. After installing JRE (I chose the latest version for 64-bit Windows; while older threads frequently bring up an older JRE release, I have a feeling those are out of date when it comes to the current version of VLC) and trying again, instead of the movie playing I was “treated” to this wonderful red screen proclaiming “Your Blu-Ray Player requires an update to continue”:


I tried clicking the skip buttons. I tried right clicking and selecting chapters that way. I tried clicking Play. None of these worked to get past the accursed red screen.
If memory serves I had this very same issue the last time I tried to play discs from this set using VLC (this was with an older version, and the older JRE that always pops up in those older threads, by the way). No Java? Movie plays without fuss, but also without menus. Install Java? Movie shows the red screen instead of playing. It makes me think the fault is in how VLC handles Java, that something about that doesn’t play nice with these discs (and probably others with similar formatting).

Does anyone have any potential solutions?

Statistics: Posted by ZeldaTheSwordsman — 11 Apr 2024 08:31