New plugin "Just Lists Of Movies"

(first sorry if my english in not perfect. French guy hereWink)

I would like to show you a new plugin i have been working on for the last few days.
I find often myself scrolling and scrolling in my video library without knowing what to watch so I decided to build this plugin to help me choose good movies to watch following lists of film recommendations provided by recognized websites

This plugin displays lists of movies classified into different categories. It tries to find these movies in your library so you can watch them without waiting.
The lists have been scraped from reputable sites and converted into a JSON format usable by this plugin. The lists of movies are stored and so downloaded from a server located at

The plugin is pretty basic (heavily inspired from the video plugin tutorial). And I really want to keep it simple.

The code is in my github repository
You will find a functional release to test here (I suppose you know how to install a plugin from a zip)
The dependencies are : script.module.requests (to download the lists) and script.globalsearch (because my search function in the library is basic and globalsearch can be called as  a fallback)

There are already more than 40 lists available. Some categories don’t have any list yet. It is a work in progress.

Please test it, make it crash or simply enjoy it!
Your comments are more than welcome.
You can also suggest new list or build it yourself to be added to the server (I can give some advices and scripts to simplify this job).
The json format of the list is also very simple. The movies info are copied from TMDB api call.
You can find  an example here :…f_all_time
