one nfo not working

Hello everyone,

a few days ago I manually deleted one entry from the database to rescan it (I use nfo files and have the scraper set to local information only), but for some reason Kodi won’t recognize the title any more, it seems to ignore the nfo (which had worked before); even reverting back to older versions of the nfo does not work. I edit my nfo with Ember Media Manager. I tried converting to UTF-8 in notepad++, does not work (in fact, notepad++ keeps it at ‘Character Sets – Western Europe – OEM-US). I removed the nfo and let Ember recreate it, still does not work. It happens only with this single title.

I use german special characters (äöüß) in the file as well as ampersands (which are saved as &), so my suspicion was it might have to do with this, but even when removing all text with special characters it still does not work.

Has anybody an idea or experienced this before?