VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting • Re: VLC 3.0.1 H.265 Video freeze, audio keeps playing

As we can see in many of these reports for years, people are saying that the same files are playing fine on the same machine with other players.
So it’s obviously not a driver or hardware issue.

Those who give you those answers have no ears, and even less brains!!!
Which the development team either doesn’t know (sounds strange!), or deems it useless to solve, stop!

Once and for all, with the exact same H265/AAC file,
1. if SM-Player displays it without problems, and continues to do so after pause/play/pause/play
2. if MPC-BE/HC display it without problems, and continue to do so after pause/play/pause/play
3. if VLC 3.0.20, without HW-Acceleration OFF, displays it, and continues to do so after pause/play/pause/play

4. if VLC 3.0.20, with HW-Acceleration ON, displays it, but freezes video, with only audio playing, after pause/play/pause/play

Why, again, deny the evidence? :shock: :shock: :shock: :cry:

Statistics: Posted by verbal_666 — 11 May 2024 12:35