VLC media player for Windows Troubleshooting • Re: Laptop vs Desktop Issue with Sound


Many thanks for coming back to me concerning this.

I should have expanded on what I had described further in as much as its not just a VLC thing. As mentioned I have been able to play DVDs on the Laptop by using VLC Media as well as files and the sounds come through fine. I have taken the files to my Desktop computer and have opened them up in both PowerDVD as well as MS Media Player and they have not played any sound. In addition I could also load up another of my files which is perhaps also MP4 and it plays with sound on the desktop. I have also taken a DVD that I have backed up an old VHS recording and played this on the Laptop with sound. I have used the same disc on the desktop and played through PowerDVD and no sound. An existing commercial DVD plays on the desktop with sound no problem.

So my inital thoughths on this would be perhaps a codec is missing but then I have Windows 10 in which I had thought most codec are already included. I can’t see anything different in the MP4 files that have no sound against one that has. The volume is up on the speakers so it can’t be that and I am also running the latest Realtek drivers for the Sound.

It is very odd.

Statistics: Posted by richard_parsons2003 — 16 May 2024 23:15