MCE Remote – broken with latest W10 update?

Hi all,

I don’t mean to post a thread on something I know there’s already tons of guides about. Thing is, I had my remote configured and working just fine since 2011. I’ve included as an attachment the RegEdit file I used way back when. Essentially, it entailed creating a desktop shortcut of Kodi (XBMC back then), assigning Ctrl-Shft-W to that shortcut, and the RegEdit file would, amongst others, set up the green button to press Ctrl-Shft-W, which would start the program. A bunch of other buttons also worked fine – but now, since the latest Windows 10 update, things are definitely broken.

(The update in question is the one where the notifications at the bottom left are different in W10, like they show up with the number of unread notifications, and the lower left portion of the screen [taskbar] has been cleaned up a fair bit.)

I tried re-running the RegEdit file, but Windows doesn’t let me run it anymore. Am I the only one experiencing issues like this?


EDIT : for some reason, I can’t attach files. Or, I can’t find the button that lets me do that…anyway, it was from a guide that someone had posted here a long time ago, like before 2011 as I recall, to set up the MCE remotes to work with XBMC. The Date Modified on that RegEdit file states 18th October 2010, if that helps.