Clicking on Movies Doesn't Open Movie List

This just started happening.  When I click on the “Movies” item from the main menu, I don’t get my usual movie list.  Instead, I get a submenu with the following list: Movies, TV shows, Files, Playlists, Video add-ons.  If I click on TV Shows, it takes me to the TV Show list as if I had clicked on TV Shows from the main menu.

If I click on “Movies”, I get another submenu with the following list: Recently added, Genres, Titles, Years, Actors, Directors, Studios, Sets, Countries, Tags.  If I click on “Recently added” or “Titles”, nothing happens.  Clicking on any of the other menu items, takes you to what you would expect.

If I activate “Flatten Hierarchy” in the Video settings, I get the following submenu items when clicking on “Movies” from the main menu: Movies, TV shows, In progress TV shows, Recently added movies, Recently added episodes, Files, Playlists, Video add-ons.  Clicking on either “Movies” or “Recently added movies” yields a pop-up stating “‘Remote share – Path not found or invalid”.  Clicking any of the other items gets the proper response.

I have removed my movie source and re-added it.  Same issue.  I have changes skins.  Same issue.  I can start a movie by accessing it through any of the filtered menus, like “Genres” or “Countries”.  I can start any movie by accessing it through the “Files” submenu.  So, I know for a fact that the path is valid.  I cannot get my movie list back.  I don’t want to have to continually access them from the “Files” menu.

Any ideas?