Favorites: Auto FTP Sync

Hello everyone,

I would like to introduce my Kodi script that automates the synchronization of favorites. This script is especially useful for those who want to synchronize their favorites across multiple devices. Since I use this in a private setting for friends and acquaintances, each person must determine how to best utilize it for themselves. I think Kodi build creators might find it even more useful. Here is a detailed description of the functions and settings visible in the add-on’s user interface.

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Functions and Settings:

1. Enable Sync:
Description: Enables or disables synchronization.
Important: This option must be enabled for the script to work.

2. Custom Folder Name:
Description: A custom folder name that will be created on the FTP server to store standard favorites.
Important: This name must be unique. If the folder already exists, you will receive a notification.

3. Sync Standard Favourites:
Description: Enables synchronization of the main favorites list (favourites.xml).
Important: If this option is enabled, your standard favorites will be automatically synchronized.

4. Sync Static Folders (Anime, Horror, Marvel, Goat):
Description: Enables synchronization of static favorite folders.
Important: These folders will also be synchronized and merged if this option is enabled.

5. Static Folders (comma separated):
Description: Sets the names of the static folders to be synchronized (e.g., Anime, Horror, Marvel, Goat).
Important: These names must match the folder names on the FTP server.

6. FTP Base Path:
Description: The base directory path on the FTP server where favorites are stored.
Important: This should be the main path on your FTP server where all favorites are stored.

7. FTP Host:
Description: Hostname or IP address of the FTP server.
Important: Enter the address of your FTP server here.

8. FTP User:
Description: Username for the FTP server.
Important: This is the username you use to log in to your FTP server.

9. FTP Password:
Description: Password for the FTP server.
Important: This is the password for your FTP user.

10. Server Static Folders Priority:
Description: Determines if the favorites downloaded from the server should overwrite local favorites. This setting only affects the static folders (Anime, Horror, Marvel, Goat) and does not affect the standard favorites.
Important: If this option is enabled, the favorites in the static folders on the server will take priority and overwrite the local favorites in these folders.


1. Configuration:
– Ensure all FTP settings are correctly entered in the add-on.
– Enable synchronization (Enable Sync).

2. Folder Structure:
– The following structure must be present on the FTP server:


{custom_folder}: The custom folder name set in the settings.
{folder}: Predefined folder names like Anime, Horror, Marvel, Goat.

3. Synchronization Options:
– Enable synchronization options for standard and/or static favorites in the add-on.

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Best regards,