Streaming TV by a Kodi Idiot

Hi All,

My first post so please be gentle. I am an idiot with regard to all this stuff.

I live in the UK but have an apartment in Spain. When there I subscribe to the local village Wifi system which beams a Wifi signal from the transmitter about 100 yards away to a small receiver on my roof and then down through a cable to a Wifi modem next to my TV. This setup works fine for general basic internet browsing.

For basic free-to-air UK TV, even though I have an LG Smart TV, I use a Tesco Hudl wirelessly connected to the modem with the free FilmOn app downloaded on to it. Finally I have a 5 metre long micro hdmi cable moving the Hudl pictures up on to my TV.

Needless to say with this setup the FilmOn app can be very patchy. Sometimes it can be fine which I find amazing seeing as how flakey and cheap the setup is, but the Mrs expects everything to be perfect ALL THE TIME without excuses. We are not bothered about anything beyond basic free-to-air UK TV.

I know nothing about Kodi boxes but am wondering whether using one of these hard wired to both my modem and my TV might be better than my current system ? I appreciate that the real problem is sharing the wireless signal with half of the village but am wondering whether a Kodi box could be rigged up to either use a different app requiring less bandwidth (maybe by reducing the picture definition of the stream somehow) so that we can do whatever is possible to avoid the TV stream from hanging ?

Do you have any thoughts on what if anything might work ? The reason I don’t use the Smart TV for FilmOn, preferring the Hudl instead is that even though there is an extra wireless leg from the modem to the Hudl (in addition to the original wireless leg from the transmitter to my receiver) the net result seems to work better than hard wiring the modem directly to the TV (more RAM memory than the TV maybe ?) so I am wondering if a specialist TV box with yet more memory and which can be hard wired to both modem and TV might give better results ??

Or maybe it is a fruitless search with the real culprit being a flakey shared Wifi signal from 100 yards away.

Many thanks for any thoughts you might have. And sorry for the idiot level of the question.

