How to play a playlist item from current position on a panel container?

I have a panel container that I use a dynamic content tag for a playlist


but I can’t for the life of me figure out how to get it to play the playlist from the current selection in my panel container. I can use 


but that just plays the video and not the playlist item. It doesn’t register as a playlist play item. If I was to use that it plays the video from the current selection of the panel container but if I was to click play next on my remote it will actually play the playlist item as a playlist item. What is the correct onclick to actually play the playlist item and not just the video from the FilenamePath? I read in Kodi’s list of builtin functions for PlayMedia “Plays the media. This can be a playlist, music, or video file, directory, plugin or a url. “. If I was to use PlayMedia how do I know what to put to play the playlist item of the current selected panel container listitem? Can anybody help? Please. Thanks