Help with DRM video []

Hi everyone,

The provider for the CBC (Canada’s public broadcaster) has changed to Azure and I’m having some issues getting playback to work on the ISM files.

Here is how I’m trying to play them:…y#L77-L104

I get the “One or more items failed to play. Check the log for more information about this message.” error, and the log is brief:


2024-07-21 15:16:24.280 T:12084    info <general>: VideoPlayer::OpenFile: plugin://
2024-07-21 15:16:24.280 T:29568 warning <general>: CDVDMessageQueue(player):Tongueut MSGQ_NOT_INITIALIZED
2024-07-21 15:16:24.280 T:29568    info <general>: Creating InputStream
2024-07-21 15:16:24.281 T:29568   error <general>: CVideoPlayer::OpenInputStream - error opening [plugin://]
2024-07-21 15:16:24.281 T:29568    info <general>: CVideoPlayer::OnExit()
2024-07-21 15:16:24.282 T:29568    info <general>: ADDON: Dll Destroyed - InputStream Adaptive

The API gives back a few choices for license servers: widevine, fairplay, playready. I’m trying to use widevine — the Bearer token is included in the response that povides the URL as well.

Can anyone see what I’m doing wrong? Is there a setting I can add to get a little more out of the logs?

Thanks in advance,