VLC for Android and Chrome OS • Re: VLC Firestick No media files found

I had to edit duplicate lines to fit the character limit of this forum.

App version: 3050400 / 3.5.4
libvlc: 3.5.4-eap4
medialibrary: 0.13.5-eap5
Changed settings:
* playback_history -> false
* video_resume_playback -> false
* prefer_smbv1 -> false
* app_theme -> 1
* tv_ui -> true
* force_play_all_video -> true

07-16 14:57:57.695 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:57.714 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:57.731 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:57.764 I/MediaBrowser( 3955): starting upnp discover (Universal Plug’n’Play)
07-16 14:57:57.764 I/VLC ( 3955): [82c650f0/5b32] libvlc services discovery: Initializating libupnp on ‘wlan0’ interface
07-16 14:57:57.767 I/MediaBrowser( 3955): starting dsm discover (Windows networks)
07-16 14:57:57.768 I/MediaBrowser( 3955): starting microdns discover (mDNS Network Discovery)
07-16 14:57:57.834 W/RecyclerView( 3955): No adapter attached; skipping layout
07-16 14:57:58.141 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class org.videolan.vlc.gui.view.FadableImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:58.146 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:58.161 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:59.940 W/VLC/LiveEvent( 3955): Multiple observers registered but only one will be notified of changes.
07-16 14:57:59.956 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:57:59.986 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:00.044 W/VLC ( 3955): [81b9de30/5fda] libvlc stream: smb2_generic_cb failed: -22, ‘Session setup failed with (0xc000000d) STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER’
07-16 14:58:00.250 E/libdsm ( 3955): netbios_session_recv: recv: Connection reset by peer
07-16 14:58:00.251 E/VLC ( 3955): [81b9de30/5fda] libvlc stream: Unable to connect/negotiate SMB session
07-16 14:58:00.251 E/VLC ( 3955): [81b9de30/5fda] libvlc stream: Unable to open file with path (null) (in share (null))
07-16 14:58:00.779 I/MediaBrowser( 3955): starting upnp discover (Universal Plug’n’Play)
07-16 14:58:00.779 I/VLC ( 3955): [82c659b0/5b32] libvlc services discovery: Initializating libupnp on ‘wlan0’ interface
07-16 14:58:00.833 I/MediaBrowser( 3955): starting dsm discover (Windows networks)
07-16 14:58:00.834 I/MediaBrowser( 3955): starting microdns discover (mDNS Network Discovery)
07-16 14:58:05.000 W/VLC ( 3955): [82c659b0/5fe3] libvlc services discovery: search timeout
07-16 14:58:05.052 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:05.070 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageButton is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:05.145 W/RecyclerView( 3955): No adapter attached; skipping layout
07-16 14:58:05.147 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class org.videolan.vlc.gui.view.FadableImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:05.149 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:05.150 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatImageView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:05.155 E/ThemeUtils( 3955): View class androidx.appcompat.widget.AppCompatTextView is an AppCompat widget that can only be used with a Theme.AppCompat theme (or descendant).
07-16 14:58:06.000 W/VLC ( 3955): [82c659b0/5fe3] libvlc services discovery: search timeout
07-16 14:58:09.193 W/VLC/LiveEvent( 3955): Multiple observers registered but only one will be notified of changes.

Statistics: Posted by Bob12468 — 26 Jul 2024 04:19