Dynamic textbox label text using onfocus?

I can’t find the answer anywhere but I can’t believe it isn’t possible, I am looking to update my “plot” textbox after the tmdb helper plugin finishes loading. When a button id is active/rolled over and an say an actor or button ID is rolled over or moused over, I’m looking for the onfocus to just do something stupid simple like update it with a string like “test me” just to see if I can do it. All searches seem to come up empty.

If the tmdb helper could call my person.xml and use onback, this wouldn’t be a necessary ask, but I can’t make that work either… so I’ve figured out how the onfocus works, so when the tmdb first opens, the plot is shown, my thought is to roll over id 101, and just have it update the plot with “test me”.

Is this possible? It seems like updating the “label” of a textbox should be a fairly simple task. I just can’t figure out the syntax of something so simple on how to do it via xml since I’m not doing anything script based.

Here is what the code looks like:


                <!-- Plot -->
                <control type="textbox" id="1000">
                    <label fallback="19055">$INFO[Container(10051).ListItem.Plot]</label>

(Calls the actor panels, but using the theory the onfocus should be able to send the label update to the textbox, so that is the thought)
Original code before mod: 


<onup condition="Container(9000).HasFocus(101)">SetFocus(10052)</onup> Show Cast Panel ** Control/Button/Container ** -->

What I think should work but doesn’t:


<onup condition="Container(9000).HasFocus(101)"><setlabel>1000, $INFO[Container(10051).ListItem.Property(Revenue)]</setlabel></onup>

So I guess the question is, can a textbox be updated after the initial load of the xml i.e. after the fact? 

If not, then I don’t relish where this is going to go….