Development around libVLC • Problema with Flutter + flutter_vlc_player + UDP multicast

Hi sorry, I’m a newer with this VLC themes.

I’m developing an app with flutter by Android, and I need a player for UDP multicast signal (udp://@

I’m using flutter_vlc_player: ^7.4.2

The UDP test channel signal has:

VIDEO: codec h264-mpeg-4 avc
AUDIO 1: codec a/52 b audio (aka e-ac3)
language: spanish
channels: 2
sample rate: 48000 Hz
AUDIO 2: codec a/52 b audio (aka e-ac3)
language: original audio
channels: 0
sample rate: 0 Hz

I have the following code but it does not make the signal image lag, the audio is heard fine. Why lag?

Could someone recommend me a correct configuration or where the problem could be?

Note: I have VLC app (from play store Android) installed on my android device works correctly with this UDP channel, but my application have lag

late VlcPlayerController _videoPlayerController;

_videoPlayerController =
autoPlay: true,
options: VlcPlayerOptions(
advanced: VlcAdvancedOptions([
VlcAdvancedOptions.networkCaching(20000), // Mayor tiempo de caché de red
VlcAdvancedOptions.liveCaching(20000), // Mayor tiempo de caché en vivo
extras: [
‘–avcodec-skiploopfilter’, // Saltar filtro de bucle para decodificación H.264
‘–network-caching=20000’, // Mayor tiempo de caché de red
‘–drop-late-frames’, // Descartar cuadros tardíos
‘–skip-frames’ // Saltar cuadros para mantener la sincronización

Widget build(BuildContext context) {
return Scaffold(
appBar: AppBar(),
body: Center(
child: VlcPlayer(
controller: _videoPlayerController,
aspectRatio: 16 / 9,
placeholder: Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()),


Statistics: Posted by xavi80 — 05 Aug 2024 13:59