Here's an EASY one: In Export — Export NFO's — Yes / No

Hi.  This is a request from a long-time user.  I ask you to please read and consider this request.

It is this simple:  When doing an export to individual files, include an option to export NFO files or not.

I’m a MySQL user for my DB’s.   And I also use profiles.  And that works great. Many different systems and platforms all over the place with KODI running happily on them all.

I want to share my content with my neighbor.  And I know that I can create different MySQL db’s that could allow them to track their watched states via advancedsettings.xml

If I do an export (to save my curated carefully selected artwork), well…  the way it is now, then MY watched states will be written into an NFO, and then it will show up on their version of KODI that THEY have watched all the same content as we have.  And that is just …  well, a mess.


Export is started via:   System / Settings / Media / Library / (Video Library) Export Library

Then the usual questions are asked:

Export Library – [ Separate ]  [ Single File ]    ————- I choose “Sseparate”
Thumbnails and artwork – [ Yes ]  [ No ] ——————- I choose “Yes”
Export Actor Thumbs – [ Yes ]  [ No ] ———————– I choose “Yes”  (even though the duplication of actor artwork takes up space.  Oh well. Know issue.)
Overwrite Old Files  – [ Yes ]  [ No ] ———————– I choose “No”

Now here is where some problems begin:  I do not wish to overwrite artwork because of loss of fidelity (a copy of a copy of a copy etc…) …  But If I choose “NO”, then NFO’s are never overwritten… and then what is the point of an outdated NFO containing outdated watched status?  

But I really don’t think I care about writing my NFO’s to disk any way because all that NFO goodness is stored in the MySQL server, right?

The ONLY time that I would ever really want to write my NFO’s to disk is if I chose to wipe out my MySQL info (which could happened but is a very rare occurrence).  And then, knowing it would happen (like an OS Update where EVERYTHING is changed out) well, then AT THAT TIME I would chose to export NFO’s.


The new suggested process would be:

Export Library  – [ Separate ]  [ Single File ]
Thumbnails and artwork  – [ Yes ]  [ No ]
Export Actor Thumbs  – [ Yes ]  [ No ]
Overwrite Old Files  – [ Yes ]  [ No ] 
Export NFO’s   – [ Yes ]  [ No ]

With this, I can create those separate MySQL DB’s, not have watched states step over each other and control when NFO’s were written to disk.  And then a shared library (media content, artwork) would never have a problem with watched states.

ADDITIONAL BENEFIT:  I could load an updated version of KODI on my system(s), without upgrading my neighbor’s system(s).  This would allow me to test if a “new” KODI was ready to load on theirs…  or even simply if I want ONE machine to be a test development platform that could run nighties without impacting any other MySQL DB’s…  that would be nice!  Smile

ADMITTEDLY… I’m no programmer, and I don’t know the amount of work this may take.  But adding a menu item, and then creating what would be likely an “If Then Else” in the export process could be rolled out quickly.

Thank you for your consideration.  Feel free to ask any questions or to laugh derisively at my naivety.