TV Shows in multiple directories, show art not displaying

Hi All

My video library and workflow predates kodi by, well, quite a few years. I have noticed an issue that perhaps might be my fault and the answer will be “don’t do that” – but just in case there is a work around I thought I’d ask.

If I obtain say Season 1 of a show, and its on my hard drive, and later I might obtain Season 2 of that same show. I put it in a different directory, because its not yet watched, its just easier for me to organize my video like that.

I have

/data/Video/Tv/<TV Show Name>/Season <number>/<Episode>

for shows I have watched and

/data/Unwatched/Tv/<TV Show Name>/Season <number>/<Episode>

for shows I have not (or in progress)

They both seem to scan fine, I get the synopsis showing in the UI for the episodes and the name is changed from the file system name to the scanned name, BUT the cover art does not show for the show in the Unwatched directories but it does in the Video directories.

Note that this ONLY happens for duplicated shows. If I rip a new show I’ve never watched, and all the files are in Unwatched, it scans fine and the art shows.

Any ideas about how I may solve this?
