Kodi Adding Control Codes To Movie Names

I have a collection of some 7400 movies.  About 140 of them were not added when I did the auto scrape.  What is consistent about these movies is:

• Every one of them has the artwork when I go to manually Scan-To-Library.  I then “refresh” and it it replaces the artwork I have with the same artwork.  I then go back to the FILES menu and… it’s still not added (no date or rating etc showing on the list)
• Every one of them,  when I go in to RENAME … has control codes added to the name.  Even if I change the name,  it makes no difference… when I go back in to RENAME,  there are control codes added (for space, etc).  The name also includes the file path (with control codes representing the spaces, colon, backslash etc.  For example… a movie titled “Another Earth (2011)” shows up as “E%3a%5c_MOVIES%5cAnother%20Earth%20(2011)%5c” … obviously %3a = colon,  %5c = backslash, and %20 = space.  This movie happens to be in the path “E:/MOVIES/Another Earth (2011)/”…

All other movies that were properly scraped automatically (and the few that I actually managed to add manually using the Scan-To-Library due to bad names, etc) all have ZERO control codes in their names when I go to rename. 

How do I prevent Kodi from doing this to the random movie?  The movies on disc (via Windows Explorer) look perfectly fine… naming convention is fine… etc.