showing Playlists as part of the Movie List

Context – Skin Confluence
Kodi Version – Latest
Top Folder structure of Films – 27 folders (#, A-Z)
Subfolder structure – Varied, as below – All films are in their individual subfolders
1) Single film in folder
2) Single Film in Folder + extras Folder
3)  Film Groups – Contains Mix of 1 & 2 above

So for instance all Alice in Wonderland will be physically located in
N:\01 – Film\A\Alice in Wonderland [Group]  with each individual film its own Subfolder  – Alice in Wonderland – (1933),  Alice in Wonderland – (1951), etc

I know I can create playlist and have done so for several sets – For instance Herzog and Herzog+Kinski are two such playlists
What I want to do is (in this case) to have the two playlists mentioned above appear as 2 items in the movie list under H – as follows
in my Movies list i currently have Heavy Weather followed by History Boys, The
What  i would like to see is
Heavy Weather
History Boys, The
Is this possible? and How?
Supplementary question possibly related
I read something about adding playlists to favourites – i have experimented, but don’t even see favourites as a list anywhere?