Clock and buttons sincronisation

I am currently working on developing a new skin for Kodi that includes buttons, windows and dynamic data such as clock and date, that will work on a touchscreen.
I am making this project with python. So far I managed to create the screen with the buttons,windows and time/date but I have a problem when it comes to combining the button functions with the clock.
If i set the clock to sync by the second, the buttons are unusable( the entire window is synced when the clock syncs ). If i make the buttons to work the clock show the time from the moment that kodi started.
The script I created is based on a main class, the main display class, with all the elements as functions and objects.

Can you please help me with some ideas so that i can run the clock and the buttons at the same time ?
Also another issue that i have is with the touchscreen.
Kodi interprets touchscreen commands as mouse clicks. So if i want to enter a window trough a button i have to tap once on the button to select it, then i have to tap twice at the same place and in a very quick way to execute the command.
I would like the enter the window with a single tap, as all the touchscreen devices work. I must mention that i have tried the display with a Raspbian OS and works just right in the operating system but when i install Kodi on it and run it the same problem. I have to tap 3 times at best on a item so that the command will be executed.

Currently i am using the latest released version of Kodi for Raspbian lite ( 15.2 ).

Any information is useful and Thank You.