How to Migrate Data Retaining What I've Got?

I am in the process of cut and pasting titles amongst several HDD’s to better organize my stuff.  All the HDD’s are already sources recognized in Kodi.  I will be renaming HDD’s.

I would like to keep the custom artwork present in each titles individual folder as they presently are without modifying or adding anything different.

I understand when I start Kodi after moving a whole bunch of titles around, Kodi is going to treat everything as if they were newly added because of drive letter changes many titles will inherit and want to re-scrape them which in turn will modify what already exists.

I’m concerned about things like animated posters that will no longer be applied because poster.jgp’s will take precedence.  Adding back fanart.jpg’s I removed and don’t want added back again. Etc.

Many times I’ve added titles but the scraper thought they were something else.  When I re-scrape, I’m presented with several similar titles and allowed to select the correct one.  I’d like to avoid that all over again too.  

Same with custom ‘Movie Sets’ I’ve created and their artworks.  Fwiw, I do have a Movies- Sets Art folder but I’ve re-scraped titles before and they were removed from my custom set along with all other custom things I’d applied after re-scraping and had to add all my customizations back all over again.  Doing this for titles one by one again seems crazy?

I’m not too concerned about play counts, recently added, and other things of that nature although retaining that data would be nice.  All I’m doing is moving stuff from one location to another.

I don’t use or have any .nfo files. I gather they could have obliged me but I wouldn’t be fond of having to manually edit every one of them hence why I don’t use them.  Are there any special files in the Kodi userdata folder I can edit, save, overwrite, or whatnot to retain my titles info and corresponding custom stuff before I start Kodi for the 1st time after moving my data around and it begins it’s scraping automation?  If not, I guess I’m SOL and have to start all over again which I’d rather not have to do.  Perhaps there’s an add-on that is shown all the titles and hands-off to Kodi beating it into submission LoL.

I’m hoping folks that understand how Kodi works have suggestion(s).  Best case scenario would be that Kodi recognizes folder/file names and understands they are already present complete with alterations and leaves them alone understanding all this guy is doing is moving it/them.  I fear Kodi sees existing stuff and freaks out thinking it can’t be anything but new additions so let’s treat them that way.  I hope I’m wrong and thanks for any help the community might offer.