dash-stream: can't go past start point or back to live

I’m using iptv-simple together with some german dash-streams.
In the stream, I can go back 2 hrs (from 20:00 to 18:00).
streamtime 18:00
actual time 20:00

If I watched the stream e.g. 1h30 min (at 19:30) and move forward because of advertising or end of the show, it is not possible to move to actual “live”.
streamtime 19:30
actual time 21:30
I can only go to 20:00 streamtime and not past 20:00.
Kodi only goes forward to the start point of the stream (1h30 min ago) (20:00), where I moved backwards.

Is it possible to move to “live” or e.g. +15 min after start point without pressing “stop” and starting again?
example above:
I want to move past 20:00 (actual time 21:30). this is not possible.

I hope you understand my explanation
Thx in advance