Cannot find shared folders from windows

I am trying to get my Chromecast with Kodi to connect to my shared folder on my windows 11 laptop.
It works sometimes, but recently it’s been working less and less.
I’ve shared my folders through the Network share in windows, adding “Everyone” to read only, found the folders in \\localhost.
On Kodi, I’ve entered the IP of my laptop, the username, the password, still I get “No route to host”.
Previously I had a dynamic IP which made me update the connection in Kodi every time it changed. I’ve recently done a static IP on my laptop but now the IP is correct and I still cannot find anything in the SMB.

I dunno if it’s me messing up the process, but I’ve been able to see my shares in the SMB browsing but not anymore.

Is there any fix or other way to get KODI to find my files without me having to locate them every time?
