Info button: Kodi vs. PTVL

When i press the I key while in PTVL, it briefly flashes the Kodi player controls before showing the Info screen associated with the PTVL skin. I’ve tried this with a few PTVL skins in the repository so it doesn’t seem to be skin specific. I’ve tried changing the keymapping but I think it doesn’t make a difference because it’s the same control.

It’s not a big deal – just a little blip that looks a little weird. Just curious if there’s a way around it. Ideally there would be one key for the PTVL info and a different one for Kodi player controls. Sometimes it’s useful to be able to access the Kodi controls quickly to adjust audio stream or something. I know it’s possible to get to the player controls by clicking left once the Info screen is up and then navigating down the menu, but it’s a lot of clicks.

I’ve posted a few questions about minor issues in a row, so let me just be clear: PseudoTV Live is AWESOME! It’s really sort of unlocked my library and brought things to the forefront that i haven’t thought of in years. I really appreciate all the work that’s been done on it. And i didn’t want my last few posts to sound like i’m complaining. It’s great just the way it is.