Resolution of stream in Krypton

So, I am trying out the beta release of Krypton and I am confused; in Jarvis it was very easy to see if a video stream was 720P, 1080P etc.. Now: where?

Every stream just says 1.78:1 and when I go in under video settings every stream says 1280×756? That same stream says 1080 in Jarvis! In fact, all streams say 1280×756 – both those that said 720p and those that said 1080p/i in Jarvis.

The 1280×756 can’t be my screen resolution can it? Because it is set to 720p and my TV recognises that it is set to 720P

Please let me know what gives, should you know. I am confused and that hardly ever happens when it comes to video streaming.

This is Krypton on W7 if that matters.