Adding videos from Apple Time Capsule

Hey everyone,
Just got my Pi3 and installed Kodi but I can’t seem to add videos from my Apple Time Capsule.

Here’s are my attempts:

1 Add Video Source, Browse
select Windows Network(SMB) > Select Workgroup.
Here I see the TC in the list, select it and hit return. It works away but I get ‘Connection Times out’ Error.

2 Add Video Source, Browse
Select Zeroconf Browser > I see TC(SAMBA) in the list
Select it. works away but then nothing.

3 Add Video Source and Enter the path
smb://zahid:[email protected]
It works away but I get ‘Connection Times out’ Error.

4 – Tried 3 above with port :445 same error.

user, password and IP are correct and work well with my Macbook. TC is 4th Gen.

Suggestions ?