Strange inconsistencies with Windows (SMB) shares

Here is the issue:

I have a Windows 7 Pro “server” which shares my movies, music, and TV shows to all other devices on my network.

I use a workgroup name other than “WORKGROUP”.

I am new to RPi and Linux, but an old hat at Windows and networking.

I have 3 micro SD cards setup with various HTPC builds for the purpose of evaluating and comparing them:

1 with OpenELEC
1 with LibreELEC
and the last has OSMC

When I setup OpenELEC, it browsed to my Windows shares without any issues and continues to do so without fail.

In LibreELEC and OSMC I get a “timeout” error when I try to browse to my shares. Strange that only OpenELEC works…Confused

Since that all run KODI, this has me stumped.

Any help would be appreciated