Library file position resetting to top and not saving position after playback

this doesn’t appear to be skin related as it happens on both estuary and confluence this has been occurring ever since I went to v17 nighty’s a month or two ago.

but the problem is anything played in movies/tv shows library views when I scroll down to start a file say 10 items down, after watching it or even pressing back to go back to file list the list is basically reset to the beginning and it has the first item selected. instead of the 10th. so then I need to scroll down to the 11th item play it, if I exit its back to the 1st item again, if I’m playing a file when its finished and i don’t touch anything it automatically plays the 11th item correctly.

it also doesn’t effect non library files played from videos folder, it remembers its file position for those after I stop a file or return to the list. so that atleast is working correctly.

i cant login to trac for some reason so i thought id make a forum post and link the trac ticket for details. appears only to be affected if play next item automatically is selected confirmed. and this bug has plagued all v17 builds i have ever tried even before alpha 1 was released.