Personal Videos as TV Shows


I have a ton of old home videos captured from VHS etc that I would like to add to Kodi. Each VHS capture has been broken into multiple videos of various events/days but each capture is kept together in one folder.

I understand some people use Movies section to keep track of their personal video. However, I think in my case, using TV show would be more appropriate. I plan to use one show for all videos. Each season within the show would be one VHS tape and episodes would be individual videos within the season folder.

As I have a ton of videos to upload to Kodi, is there a utility (windows) out there that allows you to create XML files easily and perhaps allows you to edit episode/season information easily for Kodi? It would be even better if it can capture a screen shot for the episode as well.

Lastly, other than having these XML files, do I need to do anything special in Kodi to get these into library?

Thank you.