Grab and load settings.xml on startup?

Ok, my mother is getting up there in years and is moving into a retirement “resort”. She still likes to watch her episodes and Kodi would be perfect for her to stay up to date. However, the navigation is confusing her. I have made an app that daily will update the skins “settings.xml” with her fav shows for that day right on the main screen and upload it to a server. I was hoping I could use to grab the up settings.xml and update the main screen at startup but its not working. It does grab the file but does so after Lodi as already loaded so it does not display the new menus. And on close, Kodi overwrites the downloaded “settings.xml” with he current menu setup, so it just always stays the same. I was thinking I could do the download using xbmc.service but i run into the same issues. is there anyway to achieve what i am trying to do?