Infomenu will not dissapear.

Hello fellow Kodi users.

My name is Mike and I am a very satsfied Kodi user for about two years now.

Since today however I seem to have a problem. I have a info menu on the screen that won’t dissapear whatever i do Sad.
The keyboardtable on the website doesn’t seem to hold a key to turn it on or off. It seems to be a smaller version of the codec info menu and gives the following information

LOG: C:\Users\Gebruiker\AppData\Roaming\Kodo\Kodi.log
MEM:2170642/4049348 KB – FPS: 60.5 FPS
CPU: CPU0: 25% CPU1: 12% CPU2:20% CPU3: 18%

This text appears in white, leftabove in the screen as soon as you start up kodi.
Is there anybody on this forum who knows the right key(combination) to switch this menu off. I’m using Kodi 16.1 Git:20160424-C327c53 on windows 10

Thank you for helping me
